20 June 2022Foo Soon YienThe contents of a will may arouse suspicion and beg a second look. In such cases, one can choose to contest the will. There are several grounds on which an individual can dispute the validity of a will. This article will elaborate on two such grounds: lack of testamentary capacity (i.e. the deceased did not have the mental capacity to make a will) and lack of knowledge or approval of the will’s contents.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 22/6/2022 20 June 2022Foo Soon YienSometimes, a deceased person may exclude a loved one from his or her will. If such a person believes that he should be entitled to a share of the deceased’s assets, he may contest the will.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 22/6/2022 18 April 2020Dharma SadasivanThe ongoing coronavirus pandemic has recently put a spotlight on estate planning. In this article, we provide a broad overview of some key legal mechanisms for estate planning. Discussing one’s own mortality is never easy, but in this article we strive to take a candid and open approach to the subject.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 18/4/2020 21 January 2019Dharma SadasivanAs the legal industry becomes increasingly digitized, will-writing has emerged as a popular target for disruption. This centuries-old tradition of dictating how estate assets are to be distributed to beneficiaries through careful and bespoke drafting is now giving way to online automated document generation.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 21/1/2019 28 February 2018Foo Soon YienWhen a person dies, a common issue is whether the monies in the deceased’s joint bank account should form part of the estate to be paid to the beneficiaries, or whether it should go to the surviving joint account holder.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 1/3/2018 28 February 2018Foo Soon YienYou are a beneficiary of a trust and your trustee misappropriated trust monies without your consent. Your trustee then passes away before legal proceedings are instituted against him. What legal recourse do you have against the trustee and/or his estate?
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 28/2/2018 |
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