12 May 2021BR Law CorporationWe are pleased to announce that our firm has been recognized by Benchmark Litigation as a notable firm for Commercial and Transactions in 2021. Contact us today and let us know how we can be of assistance.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 12/5/2021 10 May 2021Dharma SadasivanThe Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2020 (the “Amendment Act”) was passed in Parliament on 02 November 2020, and is partially in force as of 01 February 2021. The Amendment Act marks the first comprehensive review of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”) since its enactment, and is the culmination of a series of consultations between the Ministry of Communications and Information (“MCI”), the Personal Data Protection Commission (“PDPC”) as well as public and industry stakeholders.
This article, the final in a 3-part series, highlights some key updates to the PDPA introduced by the Amendment Act, and focuses on updates relating to offences and enforcement, as well as miscellaneous key updates. Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 10/5/2021 03 May 2021Dharma SadasivanThe Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Act 2020 (the “Amendment Act”) was passed in Parliament on 02 November 2020, and is partially in force as of 01 February 2021. The Amendment Act marks the first comprehensive review of the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (“PDPA”) since its enactment, and is the culmination of a series of consultations between the Ministry of Communications and Information (“MCI”), the Personal Data Protection Commission (“PDPC”) as well as public and industry stakeholders.
This article, Part 2 of a 3-part series, highlights some key updates to the PDPA introduced by the Amendment Act, and focuses on updates relating to individual rights, and in particular, access rights, preservation of data, and a new data portability obligation. Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 3/5/2021 |
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May 2024