16 July 2020Foo Soon Yien and Jennifer AngThe far-reaching regulatory powers of Singapore Exchange Regulation (“SGXRegCo”) were recently demonstrated again in the case of Sen Yue Holdings (“Company”), who was issued a Notice of Compliance (“Compliance Notice”) on 18 June 2020.
The Compliance Notice was issued after the Company’s Chairman, Executive Director and controlling shareholder (“Requisitionist”) sent a requisition notice to the Company’s Board of Directors to remove the entire Board (save for one Independent Non-Executive Director) and appoint two new Independent Non-Executive Directors. Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 16/7/2020 24 April 2020Dharma SadasivanIn our earlier article, we provided an overview of how to apply for General and Time-Limited Exemptions.
This basic framework remains, but there have since been some updates to the Gobusiness COVID website operated by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (“MTI”) at https://covid.gobusiness.gov.sg/ (the “Website”). In this article, we highlight some of the key changes you should be mindful of. Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 24/4/2020 14 April 2020Dharma SadasivanThese are unusual times.
On 07 April 2020, in an attempt to reduce the number of coronavirus infections in Singapore, the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) (Control Order) Regulations 2020 (the “Control Order”) was passed and immediately came into effect, prohibiting movement and requiring all individuals to stay home subject to certain exceptions, from 07 April 2020 to 04 May 2020 (both dates inclusive) (the “Control Period”). Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 14/4/2020 21 March 2019Dharma SadasivanThe Payment Services Act 2019 ("PSA") combines the 2006 Payment Systems (Oversight) Act ("PS(O)A") and the 1979 Money-Changing and Remittance Businesses Act ("MCRBA"), and aims to unify payment services regulation under a coherent and comprehensive regulatory framework.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 21/3/2019 19 December 2018Dharma Sadasivan*Updated 11 March 2019
Singapore's financial regulatory agency – the Monetary Authority of Singapore ("MAS") – released "A Guide to Digital Token Offerings" (the "Guide") on 30 November 2018. The Guide is the primary piece of regulatory guidance by the MAS that focuses on the application of Singapore's existing financial regulatory framework to digital token issuance (in certain contexts, digital token issuances may be referred to as "initial coin offerings" or "ICOs"). Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 19/12/2018 5 February 2018P Sivakumar, K AshwiniThere are two main ways to list a company in Singapore, through the Mainboard Listing or the Catalist Listing. A company wishing to list on the Mainboard has to meet quantitative requirements. A Catalist Listing, on the other hand, does not involve any quantitative requirements and is tailored to faster-growing companies.
Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 5/2/2018 18 January 2018P Sivakumar, K AshwiniThere are several advantages to listing a company.
Firstly, listed companies benefit from access to increased capital and cheaper sources of capital as compared to traditional bank financing. Post date. Edit this to change the date post was posted. Does not show up on published site. 18/1/2018 |
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